Sunday, February 2, 2014

New year...Time to get physically fit!!!

Yes I said it... It's time to get physically fit. We failed our very first fitness challenge miserably. I hate to fail at anything point blank period. So I have been contemplating doing a fitness challenge. I wasn't set on a start date but I know I wanted it to occur after January. Why January???? Well that's when most people usually lose momentum for keeping their New Years resolutions and quit by February. For those of you who know me know I do not believe in " New Year's" resolutions. If you want to make a change make it "NOW". Why wait until the horizon of a new year to make a change. It wasn't until my good friend hit me up over the weekend about doing a fitness challenge for the next 3 months (February 3rd -April 3rd).

 You know I had to jump on the opportunity and share with my fellow readers. We want to encourage you to join us. Our fitness challenge kicks of this Monday. Let's get this beach body early!!!!! Stay tuned for our progess over the next 3 months.

                              Red Velvet