Before we installed the twist we put a hot oil treatment in our hair the night before co washed it out. Then I made a deep conditioning treatment(which is pictured below...I am still tweaking I will share the recipe once I see how consistent the results are) for our hair.
After 30 minutes we washed the DC out and placed a leave-in com dish in our hair. We let our hair air dry then Coco went to work. This was her first time ever doing Marley twists on our hair. I think she did a great job.
I wanted twists that where on the smedium( I know it's not a word that's just one of the made up words I use a lot...lol) side because of where I work.
Coco wanted her Marley twists to be kind if bigger than mines.
Coco used 2 1/2 packs for my hair and 3 1/2 packs for her hair.
She told me that she will make a video on how to installs Marley twists. The very next time she puts them in her hair. Week 1,2 and 3 of the protective styles challenge went well ( No Frizz!!!!...yay) Now we are midway through the fifth week going into the week 6 of the challenge. So far no temptation yet of taking out our hair. As you can see I have been loving my Marley twists.
But the frizz has decided to make an unwelcome visit to my hair (grrrr.....).
Coco instructed me to re twist them to avoid this issue. But like I said before I am challenged when it comes to braid extension installation. I have tried a few and will leave it to Cooco when she comes back on break this month. But I seriously leaning towards taking these bad boys out.
I have noticed that Marley hair sucks a lot of moisture out of your hair. So you have to make sure you keep your hair moisturized or you are setting yourself up for failure. Below are the products, I am using for my Marley twists.
So far I think the challenge is going good. But I really think I'm going to take these Marley twists out and rock another protective style. Readers, how are your managing through this protective styles challenge???? What styles are you using for this protective styles challenge???
Until Next time,
Red Velvet
Oohhh those twists look so perfect! Great inspiration. I'm afraid that it will let go if I do it, but I'll try soon :)