Good afternoon readers, I hope all is well we have completed finally completed our protective styles challenge and updating you on has happened throughout the duration of the challenge. This update is for what occurred during the 6th and 7th week of our protective styles challenge. If you checked out our previous update post for the protective styles challenge. You will remember my irritation with frizz beginning to peek from my twists. Well it's offical now the frizz monster has made it return(grrrr...). I have tried to retwist these bad boys but they are not coming out right and my little sis Coco isn't on break yet. So I have taken the Marley twists out. At least I was able to make this style last for 5 weeks frizz free. Before the frizz really started to show up during week 6 of our challenge. 

At the end of the sixth week, I took my Marley twist out. Then deep conditioned my hair with olive oil and coconut milk. As you can see I struggle with frizz and I find It very annoying . If any of you know of ways to fight frizz please let me know.
I headed to the beauty supply store to figure out what protective style to rock next. I decided I was going to rock a wig. Now I know that a lot of naturals feel some type of way about other naturals who rock weaves and wigs. Now here is my personal option, as long as you wear your own natural hair and do not use wigs and weaves to hide your natural hair. I really don't care it's your hair and your choice how you want to rock it. There is nothing wrong with switching it up as long a you are comfortable in your own skin as a natural. But I didn't know what kind of wig I wanted to purchase for myself. After trying on various wigs, I ended up choosing something a bit out of my comfort zone. But overall I like the wig I chose and will have fun rocking it.
Until next time,
Red Velvet
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