I continued to get perms for the next 2 years. I dyed my hair multiple times for 2 months. Once every 2 weeks!!!!! The Worst Mistake Of My Life! My hair started slowly falling out and the perm on top of color made my nice thick hair turn into thin and stringy. So I went to my hair lady. She told me that the color messed up my hair and I need to cut it. So I got a little cut, but it was time for a change.

I started back natural after graduation in May 2012. I pretty much just stopped perming my hair and every month I trimmed it bit by bit. This time I made sure I wasn't going to quit. I made a promise to myself that no matter how hard it gets I will stick with it. From past experience, I know its hard to go natural by yourself (I saw what my sister Red Velvet went through). Especially when you have no idea what you are doing. Getting back into it the only thing I really knew was that in the end, my hair will be longer and thicker than ever before. I'm not going to lie though, in the future I may get a perm again but I'm young and I change my mind every second so I know I'll change my mind once I see my progress.
So in December I came home from college for winter recess and I took my extensions out and I started to detangle my hair (with my fingers). OMG!!! the worst thing ever, my hair just kept breaking off, I had all types of knots and splits in my hair. At this time, I still had a lot of perm in my hair even though my natural roots were growing out. I got so tired of dealing with my hair in this state. So I grabbed the scissors out of frustration and started to trim my hair, then the chunks of hair ended up getting bigger and bigger. Next thing, I know I cut all the color and perm out my hair. I was left with was this shrimpy kinky, curl forming bush ( I didn't take any pictures but I will post some eventually).
So far this journey is going pretty well, I braided my hair in medium-large box braids (yes I can braid hair...I will post tutorials in the near future for you to read) I've had them in for a month so far and I'm taking them out this weekend. I can't wait for this journey to begin and track my progress, with my sister Red Velvet by my side I know I can do this.
Until I Post Again,
Your girl Coco (^_^)
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